The Construction IT Podcast: How North Lanarkshire Council embraced Helping Hands to deal with the COVID-19 crisis

The Construction IT Podcast
The Construction IT Podcast
Austin Clark, Construction IT

In this episode, we discuss how North Lanarkshire Council has successfully utilised Helping Hands, the Vulnerable Persons Contact Management solution developed by Construction IT in response to the Covid-19 crisis.

Helping Hands, which is built on Microsoft Dynamics 365, enables authorities to track both outreach to the ‘vulnerable persons list’ that the NHS has produced and the specific needs of any citizen within its area – and has been adopted by councils up and down the country. Crucially, it also brings together organisations from healthcare and the third sector, with local authorities.

In this podcast we find out:

  • Why North Lanarkshire Council opted for Helping Hands to help it deal with the Covid-19 crisis
  • The features of the solution that really stood out
  • How it has enabled the council to deliver essential services to the most at risk citizens through the period of lockdown and beyond
  • How Helping Hands has evolved, and the role North Lanarkshire Council has played in this evolution
  • The value of multiple authorities working together
  • Why Helping Hands will continue to prove valuable as the authority moves into recovery phase and beyond?