Local Government Strategy Forum
Construction ITwill be attending the upcoming Local Government Strategy Forum, in a two day networking event with the finest thought leaders and solution providers. Currently, the public sector and local authorities in particular are going through radical change with huge spending cuts, shifts in power and scope of responsibilities.
With these challenges and continued drive to improve services, local authority executives are looking to deliver accessible, informative and innovative services to their citizens with a limited budget. This event includes one-to-one meetings, group discussions, think tanks and presentations focusing on hot topics. Hear from Construction IT and guest speakers in two sessions during the event:
How do we go from incremental transformation to big leaps
24th May, 11.25am-11.45am
Increasing demand and decreasing budgets have created the necessity for sustained digital transformation across local government…nothing new here. While there has been lots of success, the baby steps of change delivered thus far haven’t disrupted established ways of working in the same way digital businesses have fundamentally changed service delivery models such as Netflix, Uber and Airbnb have.
In this session, we’ll share our views on what’s required for local government to take mega leaps in service transformation to considerably improve outcomes and fundamentally change the financial model. We’ll also discuss the key to unlocking why the future lies with a slimmer, lower cost core IT resource, driven by constant automation advancements in the cloud and underpinned by data science.
- Tim Pitts, Local Government Lead, Construction IT
- Steven Hemmings, Head Of Enterprise Architecture & Digital Innovation, Southend on Sea Borough Council
- Martin Chalmers, Chief Digital & Information Officer, Reading Borough Council
- Natasa Patterson, Director of Resident Experience and Digital, London Borough of Lambeth
- Susie Kemp, Chief Executive Officer, Swindon Borough Council
- Anna Earshaw, Chief Executive, West Northants Council
Addressing the health and social care funding gap through digitally connected communities
24th May, 18.35pm-19.05pm
Digital technology continues to evolve, providing us with unprecedented health and wellbeing information and behavioural insights. But how can we connect these insights to drive proactive service models, encourage early intervention, improve citizen connectivity and cost efficiencies?
Join this session with Claire Darbyshire, Head of Health and Social Care Technology at Construction IT, to explore the options for quantifiably beneficial digital service transformation.